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Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Been busy

This will be just a short post to say 'hi' if anyone is still out there.  I havent had the time to post anything as of late.  Been so busy packing house, and also scored myself a throat infection for the past couple of weeks.  For the time being, I unsubscribed to Weight Watchers.  I dont have the money for that at the moment but as soon as i am settled and able, i will subsribe again.

Im still doing well food wise.  I havent had much time to do exercise but all this sorting and cleaning is exercising.  Oops.. salvos are here to collect furniture... so i better go.

Take care all

Sunday, May 9, 2010


Well, last weekend was a disaster.  Well, not really.  It could have been a lot worse if i had let it continue.  Yep, you've guessed it.  I fell off the wagon, and i fell rather hard. *nurses the bruises*   I had a bit of a binge.  I lost control foodwise and did NO EXERCISE!!!  When i woke up this morning, i thought to myself "WHAT have i done??? WHY WHY WHY did i do what i did?"  But i told myself that these things happen.  It can happen to the best of us. Its life.  Its two days out of a life time.  So i forgave myself and i feel good.  Im done with feeling guilty.  Been there, done that SOOOOO many times, and it had gotten me NOWHERE FAST!!  All we can do when these things happen is learn from it.  And just get back on that wagon and continue our journey. Its just a minor hiccup in the road.  No one said that the road was going to be smooth all the way to the finish line. There are bound to be ditches along the way. :P  I just have to make sure i wear my seatbelt this time. ~GiGgLeS~

Only 6 more weeks to go and we are moving to Western Australia!!!  Im really looking forward to the drive.  Its going to take about 3 days worth of driving. Perhaps even 4 if we plan to take it more easy.  My fiance was talking to his sister over the weekend and she is giving me her threadmill!! Im soooooo happy about that because i really REALLY want one.  I kinda get bored of the same old exercise videos. I need variety.  This way, when i watch some TV i can use my threadmill.  I can burn some serious calories.  And in summer, I can use the inground pool we will have.  I will walk laps around the pool and then walk in reverse, back the other way against the resistance.  In a year or two, i will be lean and mean. ~GiGgLeS~  I see that grin on your face. :P  

Its going to be so good.  There is a nice bike trail about 10 minutes away with a large lake where i will be living, and we will be investing in some good bikes and go bike riding on weekends, or walks.  Ive heard that Western Australia is really beautiful. And i really cant wait. These will be the slowest 6 weeks EVER!!! hehe  But just as well, i still have a lot of sorting to do.  More good ways of earning POINTS POINTS POINTS!!! Woohooo!!!  I will be sure to take some photos of our journey as well. We might even get to see the Great Australian Bight along the way as well.

Well, i will leave this here for now.  Thanks for reading.  Have a great week everyone.


Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Third Weigh-in resulted in 600g GAIN!

My body works in weird ways. For many weight loss attempts in the past, the 2nd to 3rd week almost always results in a gain. I dont understand why this happens. Im quite baffled. I put it down to gaining muscle or water retention. I know i suffer from water retention. When i was 136kg, my ankles would get so swollen, that i could not even wear shoes. I couldnt even wear any open shoes, nor could i wear thongs. If i did manage to slip them on, they would feel so tight, they would start to hurt. So on the brighter side, it could be that. I think Im more disappointed with the weigher at the meeting. When she wrote my result, her expression when she handed the book back to me was almost as if she was thinking "you didnt try did you." That couldnt be further from the truth. I think i did really well. I saved 10 POINTS out of my allowance in the week, and also earnt 8 or so through exercising. I know i didnt drink as much as i could have. So that didnt help my situation. This week, i plan to drink more, even though i pay way too many trips to the loo. :P People also suggested that i should eat all my POINTS. Some need to do that for better results so i will do that.

Well, i got to get back to doing some more house work. We are having a open house inspection around 4:45pm and i want to get the house looking neat, though its looking decent already. The way i look at it is, a chance to earn some BONUS POINTS! Wooohoooo!!!! I just wish though, that i didnt feel so tired today. My back is hurting me as well. And the pain under my left breast seems to get worse some days than other days. I dont really know what is causing it. Ive brought this up with two different doctors and neither are sending me to have it looked into. The pain is usually always in the same area, and its like behind the ribs. Reading on some websites tell me it could be several things causing this pain. Woman get them more often and sometimes air gets trapped in there. Also, it could be a sign of an ulcer, or something in the intestines. It can also be the heart muscle as well, though a year and a half ago i had my heart checked and it was all fine, and i had similar pains back then, only that they seemed to be somewhat lower than it is now. I wonder if any doctors are reading this post who could advise me. :) Im planning on getting it checked real soon. Perhaps once i am in Perth, i will do it then unless of course, this condition worsens. My female doctor told me that sometimes Polycystic ovaries can cause pain, and it can be on any part of your torso. So it could be that. Or it might be due to my umbilical hernia. I know!! I have so many health problems. /sigh But she also told me that sometimes pain is caused by too much fat around your organs as well. So that is a probable cause too. I just wish i knew.

I feel a little guilty at the moment though. I ate about 7.5 POINTS worth of chocolates today. That's the cost of an entire meal!!!! I love chocolate, and its hard not to keep them in the house when you have a 7 year old. And i dont want him to miss out because I need to really cut back. I feel so overstuffed at the moment as well. I ate some pasta with a few dollops of lite sour cream. Mmm. But at least it was lite sour cream and I dont have it too often.

Anyway, I will post this off now. You all take care now. :) See you in the next time.

Monday, May 3, 2010

So hungry today...

Wow, i dont know why i am so hungry today.   I've already eaten 18 POINTS and have 8 left. Though, i have 10 POINTS that I had saved, plus 8 Bonus POINTS.  Its only 2:21pm here as well. *blinks*  Its kinda like the hungry beast has been unleashed!   This morning, I polished off a box of rice crackers, salt n'vinegar.  6 POINTS!!! Eeek!!  I feel a bit guilty about it, though I know i shouldnt. I have more than enough earnt POINTS and BONUS POINTS to more than cover this.  And i still have 8 POINTS left for the day as well.  Its just one of those days where i feel a little lazy, and quite hungry.

I did a bit more sorting today.  Thats the ONLY exercise i had gotten today.  I might grab my  fiance later on and do an exercise video with him. He is always more than happy to do them with me.  I will earn another 2 BONUS POINTS if I do.  I have weigh in tomorrow.  I have some scales at home that I use to gauge my losses, and my weight hasnt budged at all.  Im hoping that something will come off by tomorrow.  I have only gone over my POINTS by 0.5 once this week, but i had more than enough BONUS POINTS to more than cover that.  So i guess its my body being crazy on me again.  For some reason, this usually happens by the time i reach my third week on any weight loss attempt. I will NOT let it bother me.  Im doing the program as best as i can, and its just my body being the way that it is.  Perserverance IS THE KEY!!!  I've had some muscle aches in the back of my legs for the past few days as well, so perhaps im also building some muscle.  And with PCOS, my doctors did tell me that taking the weight off is going to be a bit harder but its Do-able.  I will definately stay for the meeting this week.  I had other things that needed taking care of. Though, in all honesty, I dont really enjoy the meeting I go to. The leader is alright.  I just kinda feel alone.  Im shy and I havent gotten into any group yet.  I feel very invisible.  *sigh*  But on the positive side, I will be moving soon, and I hope to find a meeting that is good.  A meeting where people are a little kinder.  I smiled at one of the newcomers and she turned her head away from me.  Perhaps she is shy, but it doesnt make me feel too good either, especially since i am not used to human interaction. Being so big, i spent most of my time, hiding away from the world because every time i dare venture out into the public eye, people just stare, or shake their heads at me.  People pre-judge you before they even give you a chance.  Society can be so cruel. 

Anyway, im doing this for me.  For my health foremost. Everything else is just gravy.  Someday i will be able to face the public, hold my head up high and be confident.  Each day and my choices will get me to a better place.  It will be a long road, but I will get to where i want to be.  :)

Thanks for reading...

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Moving Interstate soon, exciting times!!!

*sighs happily*  What a wonderful weekend I had.  My fiancee received a call from his sister, letting us know that her house WITH A POOL will be available for us to move in, in about a month's time, though we are planning on moving in about 6-7 weeks time. We need to sort some stuff around the house. Most of it is done. We spent a couple of hours sorting some more in the garage. :)  Now thats some serious BONUS POINTS earnt! ~GiGgLeS~  We had originally planned to move around November, but the landlord decided to sell the house. That's good news becuase we just HAVE TO GET AWAY!!!  My fiancee, son and i have been sharing rent with my brother and I dont like to say bad things about anyone so i wont say too much except that, leaving will be the best thing ever!!! My brother is one of the most negative annoying, lazy people ive ever known and my fiancee cant stand him at all. He is rude, and he is worse than a 10 year old having a bad day, and the sad thing is.. he is 44 years of age, never had a girlfriend (gee I wonder why), and he expects my partner and i to take care of him for the rest of his life but he wouldnt part with ONE can of coke without questioning one of us about it, though he feels the need to help himself to all of our stuff. AS i said.. we HAVE TO GET AWAY!!!   He's turned my two sisters against me to the point that I dont get invited to any family functions, not even at christmas. And all i did was last year, i confided in one of my sister's about what my fiancee and i are living through.  How he NEVER ever cleans up the house. My partner and I do all the house cleaning. My brother comes home from work and parks his arse at his computer and plays computer games til 10pm before he goes to bed. Ive said to him "when are YOU going to clean up around here?" His response is "WHY should i?" Grrrrrrrr  So now you can see why its going to be so good to move interstate and get away from my family.  Family is supposed to be close. Mine isnt.  My fiancee's family IS what family is. They look out for each other. No backstabbing, no bickering, no hurtful comments.  Im amazed at how different it is with them.  So My fiancee, my knight in shining armour is rescuing me and we are moving into our own place, JUST us, for the first time ever and im looking so forward to it.

My fiancee's mother has a friend who just went into a nursing home so we will already have all the furniture we will be needing.  :)  Thats awesome because we are getting rid of all our crappy furniture and shipping the car over there, and catching a plane. Eeeek!!! THE PLANE!! God i hope i will fit into their seat.  Thats one thing that concerns me.  My 7 year old is skinny as a rake so i can use part of his seat if the armchair lifts up.  Then i should be fine.  I may need a seatbelt extention. I dont think i will lose too much weight in 6-7 weeks.  Weight for me is hard to take off.  I will be lucky if by then i will lose 3kg.  That will still make me 123kg!!!!  Eeek. The last time i flew with Virgin, i was 105kg and that was a tight fit. Though Qantas might be a bit different.  More reason to get my butt in gear and do some more exercise. Though, im limited at the moment because of my umbilical hernia. :(  I have a hospital appointment on the 15 of June but i will be leaving about a week later. Im not so sure what to do.  Do i get pushed back on the waiting list because of moving Interstate? Its something I will need to discuss with the hospital i think.  At least it gives me a little bit of time to shed some more weight. The thought of going through surgery at this astonishing weight is a bit daunting as well.  I dont really like to think about it.

Anyway, I almost sound depressed, but im not. Im in fact, very happy.  :)  I will do some more sorting in a little while.  So much to pack.  We are allowed to pack the car and ship it, but already i wonder if what we have packed will fit. LOL  And most of the stuff is mine. *chuckle* I told my fiancee "ILL MAKE IT FIT!!" hehe

Anyway, i might post this off. You all have yourselves a nice day.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

My Mother's Rissoles Recipe

Hi everyone.  I trust that all of you are well.  :)  Im feeling pretty good today, though a little tired.  I dont understand why because i went to bed earlier than usual.  Its funny how that happens sometimes. You feel more tired the more sleep you get.  Maybe its just a sign that i really needed it.

Ive been inspired by some of you to share recipes every so often.   I was checking Jess's blog and was surprised to find a recipe for Rissoles that is so similiar to my mother's.  So i thought i would share mine also.  Though, i dont have any pictures.  Once i get a camera, i will start including some photos too.  Its always nice to see pics of recipes and more.

My Rissoles

Place all ingredients into a large bowl
500g of 5 star beef mince
4 slices of bread (i use rye or wholemeal) and i pre-soak it in a bowl for a minute then squeeze out all the water and place it into a large bowl with the beef.
I finely grate one small onion
1 egg
2 cloves of garlic crushed.
1/4 cup bread crumbs added to mixture.
1tbs red paprika
1tbs salt
pepper to taste (optional)
extra breadcrumbs for coating rissoles

In a frying pan, i put a very small amount of light olive oil, and put the heat to medium.  While pan is heating, i make the rissoles into small balls then i flatten them a bit, and coat in bread crumbs.  I place these onto a plate until i have them all ready for cooking.

Cook for approximately 10 minutes on one side, then turn them over.  Rissoles should look golden brown, and make sure its cooked through.  Add a tiny bit more oil if you need it.  Serve with anything you desire. Mashed potatoes, rice, stews, vegetables, with a wholemeal roll and salad.

I also use this same mixture to make tiny meatballs i like to make with stroganof and rice.  It may work for spaghetti meat balls as well.

NOTE:  When i make my home made hamburgers, i do this recipe the same way, except, i leave out the egg. Its still soooooo yummy.  My fiancee loves my hamburgers.  I cook the patty and poach an egg, WW bacon strip, ww cheese, tomatos, lettuce with tomato sauce and american mustard. We use the Baker's Delight LOW-GI breadroll.  We cut the roll and place it under the grill to heat it up and remove once it starts to turn golden.  This is a very yummy and quite a filling meal, though im  not quite sure of the POINTS value. But you can also cut the burger in half and share the other half if you want.  :)

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Week 2 on Weight Watchers.

Hi all, and welcome to my blog.  Im a first time user of a blog, but there is a first time for everything isnt there. :) 

Let me first introduce myself.  My name is Michelle, and im 36 years of age.  Also, I have a serious weight problem.  Im 1.60m tall and I weigh an astonishing 126.5kg.  Two weeks ago, I walked into a Weight Watchers meeting weighing 130.2kg.  Five months before that, I weighed 136kg.  I knew i had to do something about my weight very soon, otherwise i may not live long enough to get married to my gorgeous fiancee in 2012, nor see my 7 year old little boy who has autism, grow up.  I have a lot of life to live, and if i dont do anything about my weight, i will never get to have those things.  A month ago, i discovered that i also have an Umbilical Hernia and i will be needing surgery to rectify that.  Its only been 2 years since I've had my last surgery and that was for a serious gallstone problem, so i had to have my gallbladder removed.  To top it off, I was also diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Sydrome (PCOS), Metabolic Sydrome, high blood pressure, and live with only one kidney.  Carrying so much weight is not helping, so here i am.  This is my chance to get my life back and get my weight down to a healthy range. 

On a happier note, I've just had my second weigh-in last night and im happy to report that i have lost 1.7kg. That's the exact same amount i lost on my first week of weigh-in.  So, im happy with that result so far.  Any loss is a good loss in my opinion.  This is the very first time i am with any weight loss program.  I havent had much success going at it alone, so here i am.  And who would have thought i would be sitting here writing a blog. hehe  But I am in this for the long haul and if i can inspire just one person out there to make a positive change in their life, I've succeeded.  :)

Well, thats all for now.  You all have yourselves a lovely day.  :)